"I have come back into the desert, as if my home again, the silence and loneliness surround you like an impenetrable veil, no more reality than the long hours riding in the morning shivering and sleepy in the afternoon, the bustle of arrival at the camp, talk and coffee by the fire after dinner, and sleep deeper than that produced by civilization, then the road again. And as usual, I feel so secure and confident in this country without law and in my own people. "

Decidirse a adentrarse en el desierto, pasar una noche en una “Jaima”, con el manto de estrellas como techo y la suave y fina arena como lecho. Recorrer kilómetros en camello con una expedición o componer un mapa con una brújula por tierras no descritas, son experiencias que aún hoy en día nos enseñaran que hay terrenos sin explorar no tan lejos de nosotros y será sin duda una experiencia inolvidable para quien se decida a llevarla a cabo.
Ya, desde antes del año 1909, en esta tierra de nadie, los asaltos a las caravanas estaban a la orden del día y los europeos eran sus principales víctimas. Hoy en el siglo XXI, por razones de otra índole, los europeos, siguen siendo objetivos ocasionales en el continente vecino. Lo que ni entonces, ni hoy, ha conseguido frenar, “la llamada del desierto” ..
A pesar de que este país se ha tornado “desaconsejable” para elegirlo como destino a la hora de hacer un viaje, sigue ejerciendo la misma atracción a quienes ya han deambulado por sus dunas infinitas.
Si bien no lo aconsejo como destino para principiantes, si os decidis, hacedlo en un grupo organizado e informar previamente de la ruta que vais a seguir.
Hay que obtener el visado previamente en la embajada de Mauritania en Madrid y actualmente, no se conceden para la frontera Norte.
Una buena opción para llegar, es volar hasta Francia. Desde allí, hay un vuelo directo que va a la ciudad de Atar, situada al Noroeste de Mauritania.
La ciudad es conocida turísticamente por ser la puerta de llegada para visitar las antiguas ciudades de Ouadane, Chinguetti y aoujeft, declaradas Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad por la Unesco.
Desde allí, os podeis desplazar a conocer el maravilloso oasis de Terjit un verde y frondoso oasis con aguas termales y encajonado entre las montañas Mauritánidas. El lugar parece sacado del escenario de las "Mil y una noches" con una poza fantastica donde bañarse y una gran zona de sombras que proporciona un extenso palmeral. Por la mañana varios hombres trabajan recogiendo y preparando los dátiles para su consumo. Sorprende la facilidad con la que se suben a las palmeras y se hacen con varias ramas cargadas de dátiles, que luego unas pocas mujeres y niños separan en barreños para su venta.
-Next to the grandeur of its desert landscape, travelers are drawn to the nomadic tribes that inhabit them.
Deciding to go into the desert, spend a night in a "James", with the mantle of stars such as ceiling and soft, fine sand as bedding. Camel walk miles with an expedition or compose a map with a compass for land not described, are experiences that have taught us today that there are unexplored land not far from us and will undoubtedly be an unforgettable experience for those who decide to carry it out.
Already, since before 1909, in this no man's land, raids on the caravans were the order of the day and the Europeans were the main victims. Today in the XXI century, for reasons other Europeans, are still occasional targets in the neighboring continent. What neither then nor today, has failed to curb "the call of the desert" ..
Although this country has become "discouraged" to choose as a destination when making a journey, continues to exert the same attraction to those who have wandered through endless dunes.
While not advise it as a destination for beginners, if you decide, do it in an organized and informed in advance of the path going forward.
Must obtain a visa in advance at the Embassy of Mauritania in Madrid and currently are not granted to the northern border.
A good way to get is to fly to France. From there, a direct flight that goes to the town of Atar, Mauritania in northwest.
The tourist town is known to be the arrival gate to visit the ancient cities of Ouadane, Chinguetti and aoujeft, declared World Heritage Site by Unesco.
From there, you know you can move to the beautiful oasis of lush green Terjit an oasis with hot springs and mountains sandwiched between Mauritania. The place looks like something out of the stage of the "Arabian Nights" with a fantastic pool to bathe and a shadow area that provides an extensive palm grove. In the morning several men work collecting and preparing the dates for its consumption. Surprised at the ease with which they are uploaded to the palm trees and branches are laden with various dates, then a few women and children in separate bowls for sale.
Os dormireis con el sonido del agua que se filtra por las pardes callendo al río y despertareis con el único sonido del canto de los pájaros que habitan este pequeño paraíso. Podreis disfrutar del típico desayuno compuesto por té, dátiles y los dulces que preparan las mujeres.
La otra opción, es volar hasta Nouakchott y desde allí, comenzar el viaje a través del desierto y maravillarse con sus paisajes, unos 460 kilómetros de pista, separan esta ciudad de Terjit.
La ciudad es conocida turísticamente por ser la puerta de llegada para visitar las antiguas ciudades de Ouadane, Chinguetti y aoujeft, declaradas Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad por la Unesco.
Desde allí, os podeis desplazar a conocer el maravilloso oasis de Terjit un verde y frondoso oasis con aguas termales y encajonado entre las montañas Mauritánidas. El lugar parece sacado del escenario de las "Mil y una noches" con una poza fantastica donde bañarse y una gran zona de sombras que proporciona un extenso palmeral. Por la mañana varios hombres trabajan recogiendo y preparando los dátiles para su consumo. Sorprende la facilidad con la que se suben a las palmeras y se hacen con varias ramas cargadas de dátiles, que luego unas pocas mujeres y niños separan en barreños para su venta.
-Next to the grandeur of its desert landscape, travelers are drawn to the nomadic tribes that inhabit them.
Deciding to go into the desert, spend a night in a "James", with the mantle of stars such as ceiling and soft, fine sand as bedding. Camel walk miles with an expedition or compose a map with a compass for land not described, are experiences that have taught us today that there are unexplored land not far from us and will undoubtedly be an unforgettable experience for those who decide to carry it out.
Already, since before 1909, in this no man's land, raids on the caravans were the order of the day and the Europeans were the main victims. Today in the XXI century, for reasons other Europeans, are still occasional targets in the neighboring continent. What neither then nor today, has failed to curb "the call of the desert" ..
Although this country has become "discouraged" to choose as a destination when making a journey, continues to exert the same attraction to those who have wandered through endless dunes.
While not advise it as a destination for beginners, if you decide, do it in an organized and informed in advance of the path going forward.
Must obtain a visa in advance at the Embassy of Mauritania in Madrid and currently are not granted to the northern border.
A good way to get is to fly to France. From there, a direct flight that goes to the town of Atar, Mauritania in northwest.
The tourist town is known to be the arrival gate to visit the ancient cities of Ouadane, Chinguetti and aoujeft, declared World Heritage Site by Unesco.
From there, you know you can move to the beautiful oasis of lush green Terjit an oasis with hot springs and mountains sandwiched between Mauritania. The place looks like something out of the stage of the "Arabian Nights" with a fantastic pool to bathe and a shadow area that provides an extensive palm grove. In the morning several men work collecting and preparing the dates for its consumption. Surprised at the ease with which they are uploaded to the palm trees and branches are laden with various dates, then a few women and children in separate bowls for sale.
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Entrada al Oasis de Terjit |
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Estas "Jaimas" son las habitaciones del maravilloso oasis. |
La otra opción, es volar hasta Nouakchott y desde allí, comenzar el viaje a través del desierto y maravillarse con sus paisajes, unos 460 kilómetros de pista, separan esta ciudad de Terjit.
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Luna llena |
3 comentarios:
....ukabrghatuin....cazador de leones.....
........y por la noche no pican los mosquitos....?
autan..........es bueno
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